Saturday, November 18, 2017


Survivor Series Weekend is upon us! We are likely to have many memorable moments as the match ups look to be must-see such as Brock Lesnar vs. AJ Styles, New Day vs. Shield, and always intriguing Five on Five Survivor Series match. Survivor Series has been a long running PPV for the WWE, starting back in 1987. Since then we have had so many crazy, incredible, and enthralling moments eminate from this attraction that some may have fallen through the cracks in our memory and have thus been forgotten...


Scott Steiner had a less than stellar WWE run, which may have had many people forget that while his run didn't exactly pan out; the debut itself was an awesome moment. WWE Survivor Series 2002 was at the famous Madison Square Garden with a raucous crowd. Matt Hardy and Chris Nowinski were in the ring cutting a long promo on the crowd ending it on the note that a "SD guy and a RAW guy can get along". WWE was promoting Scott Steiner as a free agent who hadn't decided what show he was going to be on. Scott Steiner shows up here and takes both Nowinski and Hardy out with a myriad of suplexes. The best part of this whole debut, aside from the MSG crowd being all-in and loving Scott Steiner, was when he yelled out "give me a fucking mic" which was heard loudly as the ring was mic'd up. Good ol' JR responded on commentary the only way you really could.. "Well, they should probably let him talk then". Unfortunately the line has been edited off the WWE Network but you can still hear it here:


Sting is here! Sting is here in the WWE! He takes out HHH! Sting made an incredible debut at the WWE Survivor Series 2014. He interfered to stop Triple H and the Authority from retaining their jobs in a 5 on 5 Survivor Series match. Team Cena was left with only Dolph Ziggler by himself while there were still 3 members of Team Authority...

Dolph Ziggler fought off and survived the onslaught of  Team Authority outlasting them all and with the debut of Sting, stopped the Authority for good! (in theory...) This should have been THE MOMENT for Dolph Ziggler launching him into a slew of main events and top level feuds...however it was quickly forgotten and nothing came of this incredible moment for Dolph Ziggler. He spent the next year fighting over the IC title never really capitalizing on this huge star making moment. 


At Survivor Series 2005, Edge came out to announce that as Mr. MITB he was creating his own show, the Cutting Edge. He said unlike other talk shows there was going to be no fluff, no palm trees or stupid flat screen TV's. He was going to "cut straight to the bone". Dmitri Young of the Detroit Tigers was in attendance. Edge and Lita pointed him out and proceeded to berate him. This is typical of a heel to denounce the local sports team or player but this was something else. 

Edge called out baseball on their issue with steroids (gotta watch the hypocrisy here...) and saying Baseball is a bunch of overpaid millionaires that are hooked on amphetamines (again...) It was a good way to get hype for Edge's new show and to get the point across that he will potentially say anything, however it was just something else to hear the words 'steroids' and 'amphetamines' on a WWE telecast. (This was at the 1hour 15 minute mark into the show if you wanna watch on WWE Network)


I'm still shocked by how little this is brought up but Vince McMahon himself said "What up my N-Word" to John Cena at WWE Survivor Series 2005... I don't even know what to say about this segment, it really has to be seen to be believed. 


WWE Survivor Series 2008 had a scheduled triple threat match for the WWE Championship: Jeff Hardy vs. Koslov vs. current champ Triple H. However during the weekend of the event, reported that Jeff Hardy had been found unconscious in his hotel stairwell and would likely not be at the event. The WWE Championship came and there was no Jeff Hardy so it was a singles matchup between Triple H vs. Vladamir Koslov. The Moscow Mauler was new to the main event scene and Triple H kept things safe with a very slow old school methodical matchup. The crowd became restless during their encounter chanting for Jeff Hardy to show up. Instead Vickie Guerrero came out and said this match will be a triple threat matchup as advertised. She exclaimed, "He's Here! He's Here!" as the crowd went nuts expecting Jeff Hardy to come out and join the fray. However, Edge's music hits and he joined the matchup and began spearing everyone in sight. 

Jeff Hardy did run down to try and stop Edge from winning the title, playing off the idea that it was Edge who attacked Jeff at the hotel. However, Jeff went to layout out Edge with chair but hit everyone else instead. Edge hit one more spear and left as the NEW WWE CHAMPION! This was one of my favorite returns and moments ever in WWE and it doesn't get brought up enough. Edge's stocking title wins were always some of my favorite. 

Those are just a couple of forgotten WWE Survivor Series Moments...what are some that you remember that don't get brought up enough?

 Let me know on Twitter @inrogers29

Until next time!

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